One year ago, today, TollerTails.com was launched! My goal was and continues to be creating original and fun content that speaks to all dogs, their humans as well as Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever fans and Toller owners. More importantly, to always give you the goods Straight from the Snout™.
Being a dog who was new to blogging, I didn’t know what to expect or if there were any humans or their dogs that would be interested in the same things I liked to nose around.
Thanks to all of you who subscribe to TollerTails.com and Straight from the Snout™ and support us on social media, we’ve found a community of dog loves who enjoy our sniffing out things of interest to humans and dogs alike.
Among some of Your Favourite TollerTails.com articles were:
My Dog Nose Unleashed: A Review of North America’s first Scent Den
Talkin’ About Tummies: Dog Nutrition with Canine Nutritionist Christine Ford
Shout out to Two Tremendous Tollers Helping Australia’s Koalas
You love our Toller Tips for hot weather and cold weather and our how to on creating your own DIY Dog Paddle Pool for Small Spaces.
What’s Next Heading into Year 2 of TollerTails.com?
There are a lot of new articles in production for the year ahead. Some of the articles you can expect to see are:
A Review of Pet First Aide Class
Interview with the founder of a top off leash doggy day care
The Push for Fear Free Veterinary Clinics
Your Human, Us Dogs and the Law
Book Reviews and more Toller Tips for all dogs
Finding a Reputable Dog Walker
Understanding What a Holistic Veterinarian does
Interviews with certified dog trainers about what they do and how they got started
Aromatherapy for Dogs
Way more product reviews of dog toys, dog harnesses, leashes and dog
And more!
If there’s a topic you want TollerTails.com to look into, then give us a friendly bark online and tell us a little about what you would like to see.
Woofy! Woof! or as the humans say, THANK YOU for all your love and support.